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Validating Data

Technically, messages are just regular RemoteEvent / RemoteFunction calls, meaning that exploiters can send invalid data to function that run on server. To prevent that, WCS provides a way to attach validators to message arguments in your message config.

Validator is a regular function that accepts an argument and returns a boolean value. We'll be using a library called t in this example to validate arguments.

To attach validators to a message, you need to specify them inside your message config:

import { Skill, SkillDecorator } from "@rbxts/wcs";
import { t } from "@rbxts/t";

export class Attack extends Skill {
Type: "Event",
Destination: "Client",
Validators: [t.number, t.string],
protected printSomething(a: number, b: string) {

Each index in the Validators array corresponds to a function argument. From now, message calls that contain invalid arguments will be rejected.