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Messages is a powerful concept in WCS that allows the client and server sides of your ability to communicate between eachother. Technically, message is just a RemoteEvent or a RemoteFunction call, depending on the message Type. Messages allow you to set up communication between the client and server sides of an ability, enabling you to retrieve various types of data or notify the other side of an event that it should react to.

From version 2.0.0 you can define a message by calling a special function WCS exports - WCS.DefineMessage. The function takes 2 arguments:

  • Your message method - a function, that should be a valid method of your ability.
  • A config, that defines the behavior of your message.

The config consists of:

  • Type - can be "Event" or "Request".
  • Destination - can be "Server" or "Client". Determines where you're sending message to.
  • Unreliable? - a boolean value. If the type is "Event", determines if should be fired through UnreliableRemoteEvent.
  • Validators? - an array of functions that validate your arguments.
  • ValueValidator? - a validator for return value of a function. Can only be specified if Type is set to Request.
  • OnlyWhenActive? - a boolean value. If set to true message will only process the event / request when the skill is active.

You should always validate your arguments manually when receiving messages from client. They act like regular remote calls and exploiters can send invalid data.