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Movesets is a powerful concept in WCS. It allows you to group/manage your abilities easily by composing them into special WCS objects. Applying a moveset to the character will add all skills the moveset contains to it, clearing the moveset or applying another one will remove them back.

Let's quickly make a simple moveset object:

import { CreateMoveset } from "@rbxts/wcs";
import { Fireball, Manashot, Flight } from "shared/skills/fireball";

export = CreateMoveset("Mage", [Fireball, Manashot, Flight]);

Great, now we can apply the following moveset to our character:


Character can only have 1 moveset applied at a time. If you apply another moveset, the previous one will be cleared. To add all skills from a moveset without applying the moveset itself, you can use the following WCS Api: Character:ApplySkillsFromMoveset().

import { Players } from "@rbxts/services";
import { Character } from "@rbxts/wcs";
import mage from "shared/mage";

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((Player) => {
Player.CharacterAdded.Connect((CharacterModel) => {
// apply the wrap when character model gets created
const WCS_Character = new Character(CharacterModel);

// apply our moveset to the character

// destroy it when humanoid dies
const humanoid = CharacterModel.WaitForChild("Humanoid") as Humanoid;
humanoid.Died.Once(() => WCS_Character.Destroy());

To clear character's moveset use an api provided by WCS: Character:ClearMoveset().